Harris Hydrogen Video USB Drive
26.5 Hours of Video
Ya got ~ 2 days, then Gone FOREVER.
I'm STOPPING all the Hydrogen Videos and Books.
On Nov 20th, 2020 I wrote the stunning email, sold off the last of the Hydrogen Videos on USB (from the DVDs) and then I disappeared for 9 months and did not give a crap. I'm offering my Hydrogen Videos on a USB Drive, so if something happens, it does not die with me, and the Best Hydrogen Book Ever Written. Like I said, I'm FINE now....but...Life is FATAL. If you don't have it in your hand, you are NOT going to have it. DO YOU want to hold the knowledge in your hand, or have it die if I die?
GET the Hydrogen USB ALONE if you desire, but I'm making ONE PRINT RUN of the Best Hydrogen Manufacturing Book I have ever sold. You MIGHT want to take a look at it BELOW. Once I do THIS print run for THESE orders over THESE 3 Days, then that's it. NO MORE. If you KNOW it will be good and don't want to read, click the RED BEST DEAL Button ABOVE and get it ALL NOW QUICKLY. Satisfaction Guaranteed. NO THE BOOK IS NOT ON THE USB NOR WILL IT BE.